Database export allows you to download a large amount of data, either as a CSV file, XML file or XLS file, at the touch of a button.
- Devices: All Devices in the project, when they joined, which supplier, EUI, last active etc. It is also possible to print devices with Meter values.
- Gateways: All gateways in the project, when they joined, last account, EUI, location etc.
- Meters: All meters in the project, Meter id, manufacturer, Serial number, value, when they joined, last seen etc.
- Groups: All groups in the project, Group id, name, address and explanation
- Users: All users in the project, user id, name, email, phone number, when they joined, last logged in etc.
A log is kept of who exports which data each time a database export is carried out.
Fields what you can find from Devices CSV, XML and XLS files.

- deveui - Device EUI
- name - Device name
- device_type - Device type (example: Water Meter, Gas Meter, etc)
- parser_type - Parser type (Wm-Bus, Axioma, Apator)
- modul_serial - Module serial nr
- meter_serial - Meter Serial
- decrypt_key - Decryption key
- status - Device status in integer
- extender - Is extender
- address - Device address
- dr - LoRaWAN DR
- rssi - RSSI
- snr - LoRaSNR
- qos - Quality Of Service (QoS)
- carrier - Carrier (example: coap, lorawan, mqtt-client, etc)
- gw_count - Gateway counts, how many gateways have seen that device
- frequency - LoRaWan communication frequency
- gweui - Gateway EUI who latest seen
- last_seen - Last Seen date
- join_date - Join date
This prints device list with all possible meter values from meters
- deveui - Device EUI
- serial - Device Serial (if has meter serial shows meter serial)
- device_type - Device type (example: Water Meter, Gas Meter, etc)
- parser_type - Parser type (Wm-Bus, Axioma, Apator)
- last_seen - Last Seen date
- ... - Will have unlimited columns of meter data. Depends of how many different meter data device has
- gweui - Gateway EUI
- name - Gateway name
- longitude - Gateway longitude
- latitude - Gateway latitude
- altitude - Gateway altitude
- address - Gateway full address
- rssi - RSSI
- type - Gateway type (Powered, Battery or Solar)
- description - Description
- last_seen - When gateway was last seen
- join_date - When gateway was created to Divako database
- mid - Meter ID
- name - Meter name
- serial - Meter serial or device serial
- deveui - Device EUI if device is connected to meter
- unit - Meter Unit
- value - Meter Value
- value_offset - Value offset
- value_multiplier - Value multiplier
- value_offset_date - Value offset set date
- join_date - Join Date
- last_update - Last update

- gid - Group ID
- name - Group Name
- address - Group full address. Example if you use group as an apartment, then this is full address of apartment
- description - Group description
List of Group and Meter IDs what meters are assigned to groups.
- gid - Group ID
- mid - Meter ID
List of Group and User IDs what user are assigned to groups.
- gid - Group ID
- uid - User ID
- uid - User ID
- name - User name
- email - Email
- phone - Phone nr
- timezone - User timezone
- join_date - Join Date
- last_login - User last login
Downloading all payloads from your project is currently under development.
Do download payloads from database has many external attribtures, to limit download size.
- Payload type - D (Device) payloads or M (Metering) values
- Date From - The beginning date we start filtering payloads
- Date To - The ending date we start filtering payloads
- gid - Filter out one specific group payloads
- cid - Filter out one specific category payloads
- mid - Filter out one specific meter payloads
Will return only Metering values
- date - Date and Time formatted to YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
- mid - Meter ID
- value - Value in float
Will return RAW hex values
- date - Date and Time formatted to YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
- deveui - Device ID
- payload - HEX Payload